Colon Therapy also called colon irrigation, colonic therapy, colonic hydrotherapy, colon cleansing or toxic detoxification - is a safe, gentle infusion of water into the colon via the rectum.
No drugs are used, only temperature-controlled, filtered water to soften and to remove accumulated waste via the natural muscle movement called peristalsis.
Colonic therapy is not a new idea. Its origins are much older than most people realize, and the techniques have improved steadily from simple enemas to the sophisticated devices used in registered therapeutic settings today.
Hydro-Colon Therapy (HCT) helps to prevent illnesses like colon cancer. The main task of HCT is detoxification.
Check yourself for any of the follow symptoms and illnesses that could be the cause or the result of chronic intoxication:
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Sluggish colon (the feeling of uncompleted defecation)
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Indigestion (bloating)
- Extra weight
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Halitosis (bad odor)
- Parasitic infections
- Skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, etc.
- Allergies
- Candida
- Hemorrhoids
- Mucus colitis
- Biliary dyskinesia
- Women's sterility (retroversion of uterus)
Why Consider Colonic Cleansing?
If you are one of the people suffering from an inexplicable illness, or if you are simply interested in preventing inflammation and disease in your body with a proactive program of alternative health care, there are many reasons to consider colonic cleansing.
- The procedure is universally promoted as a means of reducing stress. No one is happy when their digestion is functioning improperly. This can set up a vicious cycle. The more upset you get about your bad digestion, the worse your system functions.
- Colonics relieve constipation, which not only leads to a more comfortable lifestyle, but can prevent other, associated and uncomfortable conditions like hemorrhoids.
- Colonic cleansing has been found to improve the symptoms associated with a number of common digestive ailments including, but not limited to, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn's disease.
- The procedure will also remove parasites, which can often be a problem for people who travel through or work in underdeveloped regions of the word.
- Colonic hydrotherapy accomplishes an overall detoxification of the system by preventing the accumulation and buildup of poison in the bowel, which can then be seen into other parts of the body.
Other benefits anecdotally reported with colonic cleansing include improvements in conditions as wide ranging as bad breath and back pain. The procedure can immediately erase the ill effects of taking a course of antibiotics, and relieve uncomfortable bloating.
Understanding Colonic Procedures
Particularly for individuals new to colonic therapy, deciding on the right approach can be both daunting and frightening. The most important thing is to locate a knowledgeable therapist you trust, but it's equally important to understand your options and what to expect from each therapeutic approach.
Closed Colonic System
In a closed-system colonic treatment, the client lies on a table very much like those used in massage therapy. The equipment used for the colonic is plumbed to an adjacent cabinet.
The therapist will insert a speculum, or plastic instrument used to dilate the rectum. One end of a disposable hose is attached to the speculum and leads to the adjacent equipment.
Speculums are typically made of plastic and are also disposable. The average diameters employed for adult use are 0.60 to 0.65 inches (1.5 – 1.7 cm).
The hose serves to deliver a pressurized stream of water into the colon. When the colon is filled, the water and waste material drains out of the body via the same hose and through an observation tube before entering the plumbing unit.
The therapist carefully monitors both the temperature of the water and the pressure level to guard against leaks and bowel perforations.
Although used with a wide variety of patients, the closed method is also preferred for patients who have suffered spinal injuries or who have lost full control of the anal sphincter muscles for any reason.
The majority of colonics administered in professional setting are conducted via the closed system.
Top 10 benefits of getting colon hydrotherapy :
- Helps with weight loss
- Speeds up metabolism
- Decreases gas and bloating
- Helps with acne problems
- Helps to reduce constipation

- Helps to improve immune system
- Minimizes allergies and eczema
- Reduces symptoms associated with ith IBS
- Decreases the occurrence of headache
- Lessens symptoms associated with PMS
Why do people choose Colon Hydrotherapy with us?
We have combined formal training in traditional medical education with practical experience in alternative medicine and the best equipment in North America to:
- ENSURE patient safety and satisfaction
- RECOGNIZE and diagnose the cause of your illness
- RESTORE health and promote healing
Our colonic equipment

Aquanet ES-2000

Disposable treatment supplies
The Aquanet EC-2000 has been tested and evaluated to the following healthcare standards:
- CSA (Canadian Standards Association)
- CAN/CSA C22.2 No 601.1-M90 - Safety of Healthcare Electrical Equipment, Part I,
- CSA 601.1 Supplement 1: 1994 - General Requirements for Safety
- CSA 601.1 Amendment 2: 1998
- UL (Underwriters Laboratory, USA)
- UL Std No 2601-1 (2nd Edition) - Safety of Healthcare Electrical Equipment, Part I: General Requirements for Safety
- EC (European Code)
- IEC Publication 601-1 (1988) - Safety of Healthcare Electrical Equipment, Part I:
- IEC 601-1 Amendment 1: 1991 General Requirements for Safety
- IEC 601-1 Amendment 2: 1995
- FDA Registration # 876.5220
Our equipment uses a 3 stage water treatment purification system in addition to ultra violet sterilization to ensure water born impurities are eliminated. We also use advanced water pressure sensing technology which automatically delivers a safe water pressure to the colon at all times resulting in decreased discomfort
If you can think of any more questions, let me know.
Congratulations on your first colonic session!