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May 15, 2018Indications and Contraindications of Body Wrappng

Body wrapping today is not only a popular and effective procedure, but also one of the most enjoyable. The wrap is a preventive remedy for a number of diseases; it promotes the health of the body and its rejuvenation. The main purpose of wrapping is to correct the shape of the body and get rid of cellulite, providing a tuberous and unsightly appearance to the skin.
Main indications for body wrapping
Nowadays, the wrapping procedure is becoming very popular both as a method of treatment and cosmetic procedure in saunas and SPA salons. A lot of medical centers in Toronto or somewhere else can offer you body wrap, developed by their own methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. With the help of slim wrap, one can strengthen the body, cleanse the skin, get rid of wrinkles and cellulite, lose weight and find the long-awaited harmony. In addition to medical wraps, there is also a cosmetic version of the procedure.
Wrapping procedures can become an important part of a set of measures designed to solve the following problems, both medical and cosmetic:
- overweight, cellulite, fat traps
- flabbiness of the skin
- dryness and flaking of the skin
- stress, some neurological diseases
- decreased skin tone
- pain in the muscles
- obesity
- swelling of the tissues.
Important contraindications
The wrapping procedure consists in applying to the entire body or local problem areas a special formulation whose active ingredients are selected depending on the skin problem to be solved. Then the body is subjected to a thermal action, due to which the active components of the applied mask penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin. However, like any cosmetic manipulation, the wrapping procedure has its contra-indications. These include:
- fungal skin lesions
- any recent skin damage – wounds, abrasions, scratches, seams and scars
- exacerbation of dermatological diseases
- acute infectious diseases
- chronic heart disease, diabetes mellitus
- fibroids, polycystic
- menstruation
- arterial hypertension
- pregnancy.
Obtained effects of body wrapping
The wrapping procedure is primarily a therapeutic measure, since the active substances from the mask applied to the body. They penetrate deeply into the dermal layers of the skin and stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen fibers, promote the cleavage of fat deposits and the removal of excess fluid from the body.
Thus, patients will receive following results:
- smoothed out skin relief
- decrease in volumes
- elastic, taut, smooth skin
- disposal of swelling of tissues
- deep moisturizing of the skin
- improved microcirculation and blood flow
- excellent mood and cheerfulness.
As a result of the slimming body wraps, the elasticity of the skin and its hydration increase, the appearance of cellulite decreases, the silhouette is tightened. A pleasant bonus of the wrapping procedure is the use for its carrying fragrant formulations that allow you to relax and enjoy the procedure.