Joy Sun

May 27, 2017
August 15, 2017
May 27, 2017
August 15, 2017

Joy Sun

I had a number of health issues (migraines, insomnia, low energy level, endocrine system etc.) and decided to give colonic hydrotherapy a try after thorough research. At first I was reluctant but now I am already looking forward to my next appointment. Viktoriya is very experienced, skilled, knowledgeable and professional hydro therapist. She is always welcoming, courteous, gentle, and caring. She is also a great educator on healthy lifestyle. She has good abdominal massage technique, which additionally supports the elimination process. During the treatment you might feel some cramping, but don’t worry it is tolerable. Actually it is good sign b/c colon is contracting and releases toxic waste material that is stacked on your colon walls for years, intoxicates body and supports growth of microbe, fungi and parasites. You won’t believe how much waste material you release. You will need several treatments in order to experience wellbeing, clarity of mind, better energy level and improvement of your health problems in general. That is why I suggest anyone to buy a package of 4 sessions, and keep doing that until you feel healthier. Viktoriya’s clinic is clean and equipped with best colon hydrotherapy devices, which gives me a feeling of safety. I like calming and relaxing music and videos in her clinic. European Colonic Centre is located close to Sheppard subway station (Sheppard & Yonge intersection). I highly recommend Victoriya and European Colonic Centre to anyone who has health issues and anyone who wants to improve health and well-being. I honestly think she is my life savior.