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May 28, 2018Healing Effects of Coffee Enema

Detoxification of the body is the absolute necessity of today's life in a polluted world. Which methods are the safest, most effective and not causing psychological or physical stresses? The coffee enemas can be not only an amazingly effective method of, but also a tool of treating many dysfunctions. The spectrum of diseases from which the enema helps is huge: migraines, cancer, epilepsy and even sepsis. They are also good simply for preventing and maintaining good overall health status.
The essence of organic coffee enema
The first mention of coffee enemas usage was found in books from 1600 years BC. The first medical texts indicated: coffee enemas used by ancient Egyptians to clean the colon, restore healthy digestion and alleviate other chronic conditions. Today, coffee enemas are used to treat these and many other conditions.
Interesting fact: in addition coffee enemas are very effective regarding allergy (including asthma), sexual dysfunction, difficult births, fevers and simple colds.
Such kind of cleansing enema cause a rush of the production of an important glutathione hormone, which is the most important molecule for maintaining health and preventing aging, cancer, heart disease and dementia. Glutathione is also needed to eliminate conditions such as autism and Alzheimer's. Coffee enemas represent the strongest detoxification method that is now used by many well-known cancer specialists, and is also used in leading clinics for alternative and integrative cancer treatment.
Liver and gallbladder stimulation by coffee colonic
The coffee enemas stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release toxins into the small intestine, from where these poisons continue their way down the intestines (bound by the fiber) and are removed from the colonic mass through the rectum. Since coffee enemas bypass the process of digestion and coffee quickly enters the blood from the rectum, it provides almost instant detoxification while also cleaning the blood from harmful toxins.
Two substances in coffee: caveol and cafestrol palmitate increase the activity of glutathione S-transferase, the main antioxidant, which are responsible for the neutralization of free radicals. After neutralization of these harmful substances, other components of coffee, ophthalmic and organic, help the body to remove these toxic free radicals.
One should note, it was found that caffeol and cafestrol palmitate, mentioned above, increase the production of glutathione (importance of which was described in the previous chapter) by fantastic 700%.
The enema itself helps strengthen peristalsis – a regular, wave-like contraction of the intestinal muscles, which promotes food along it from one stage of digestion to the next. This process activates the rapid evacuation of toxic bile from the duodenum further through the small and large intestine until it completely exits.
Warning: pregnant women are not recommended to do any coffee or other enemas, since they can cause premature birth. Nursing women and children older than 5 years can make coffee enemas only under the supervision of a qualified specialist. Children less than 5 years can not do coffee enemas, except for extreme situations and also only under the supervision of a specialist in appropriate center in Toronto or anywhere else.